Friday, August 31, 2012

Im Loving Right Now

It really seems like Little is scared to move in this photo. lol

A three day weekend to spend extra time with my Little!
That Little and Tia Lorri were both a pretty scared of the goose (?) in the photo above.
Listening to Little and Squishy squeal as they run around and play with Papaw.
That Little has just learned the word "itch", at night before bed he says ITCH and 
points to a spot on his body for us to rub lotion onto. 
Littles new sleepy gang; Donald the Duck, Winnie the Pooh and a stuffed weenie 
dog he named Wowoah.
and completely grateful for my amazing little family of three. 

<3 Mama Chuca

Thursday, August 30, 2012

We Love You Austin!

We had an amazing time in ATX with our good friends!! Here are 
few photos of our little trip. 

This is me in the car very excited about our trip! YAY!!

Many small shops to visit and "aaawww" in, except a lot of 
the shops ask you NOT to take photos. BOO, oh well 
I did get manage to capture some shots from the few
 places that were nice enough to allow it. 
 Tesoros was actually my favorite.

Anybody ever seen the movie Deathproof?? Well Dada and 
I happen to LOVE Deathproof (and Quentin Tarantino) so 
of course we had to have margaritas at the same margarita 
joint that was in the film!

This place is called Uncommon Objects  , we were laughing and
 creeped out the whole time we were in there. 

Gotta love a huge monkey in a hat. 

Lucy in Disguise with Diamonds, the tiniest and fullest 
costume shop in Texas (my opinion)!!

We visited quite a few shops, all very interesting.  
Just walking SoCo turned out to be one of the best parts of our trip. 

Quick bite of pizza for dinner at Home Slice, the menu 
reminded me of my Little and Dada. 

Of course we had to get fancied up to head out to 6th Street!!
 Perhaps it was a good thing that we left our camera in the room 
while we had our unsupervised adult fun birthday celebratin' night!

The next day was very cloudy, as you can see, but it only rained for about 45 minutes.  
After it cleared up and the sun was out again we headed down to Barton Springs
 Its actually a man-made spring and is ICE COLD, but we were still brave enough
 to take a dip.  We ate burgers and watched other people scream their way into the water,
 was a pretty good way to end our trip.  

We did manage to find a few goodies that we thought Little would love! A plane that
 was completely glued to his hand for a couple of days, he insisted on sleeping with it
 and asked for it in the morning. We knew he would love it, lately he's been asking for 
airplanes every time were outside. Of course we had to get him something animal 
related, so we decided he might be in total AWE with these bad boys. So far we've watched
 a zebra grow. 

This was the day after our trip, always excited to see these 2 happy faces. 
Little is actually saying "cheese".

A few things we didn't capture by photo, but will always be in our memories:

Waiting for our snow cones outside and being attacked by "friendly" sugar addicted bees.  

Sitting on the curb, on 6th st, eating an amazing slice of pizza at 3am.

Riding in the back of a Bike Cab with Dada talking bout Johnny Cash.

Toy Joy, wall to wall toys and kid gadgets. Little would have been in Heaven!!

All the street art was amazing! The second day we were there, we went to a strip full of 
street art but since it started raining we couldn't take any pictures without damaging 
our phones or cameras. But it was there and it was lovely.

Dancing and drinking the night away with good friends. 

Talking to Little on the phone on our way to Grammas to pick him up, he sounded so excited. 

I admit that being away from Little was extremely hard for me, but I knew Gramma would
 do her best to keep his mind off of our being gone.  I did talk about him a lot but Dada 
kept reassuring me that he would be fine and it would be good for us to get away.  As it 
turns out Dada was right, when we returned home we had the happiest little reunion!! 

One day we will have to go back with our Little so he can see the sights and sounds from a very 
unique little city.  Keep Austin Weird!

<3 Mama Chuca

Monday, August 27, 2012

Mama's Birthday

This past weekend we celebrated Mama's 27th birthday!!  
Here is a little weekend recap:


Friday, Little had a Back to School Party at Daycare and as a treat all the kiddies got to take home a cupcake.  When I picked him up he insisted that he hold the cupcake for the drive and since it was the weekend I decided to be a fun Mama for a change and let him.  Well as soon as we got home of course the cupcake was half eaten and the other half was all over the carseat!  Gramita decided to have everybody over for hotdogs as a back to school treat, Little had the biggest tantrum that Dada and I had ever encountered. This was probably due to all my talk in the previous post about how he is starting to act like a big boy and understand me... big mistake Mama!! 


Saturday, I woke up on my birthday to an awesomely wrapped present from Dada and baby!  I think Dada did the most amazing job creating this one of a kind wrapping paper.  For my birthday he gave me a book filled with 642 things to draw and a mini shopping spree at Urban Outfitters for an upcoming trip we are taking in October.  The best presents ever!! Afterward we were off to have a big breakfast and continue our special day together.  I didn't get any pictures of us at breakfast because Little wasn't too happy that our breakfast was later than usual, my concentration was focused on keeping that kid happy and eating. 

After our big birthday breakfast we decided to go to the zoo instead of Gymboree as a treat for all of us.
The weather was perfect, the sun was out but there was a steady breeze cooling us off.  Little had a great time running around watching at all the animals, making animal noises and he basically wore himself out.  Later we had a huge family dinner at Carrabbas, it felt great to have my family come together for a special dinner to celebrate my birthday!   Tia Linda bought me a special dessert and had the waiters sing to me, unfortunately we didn't get any pictures of our dinner.  The restaurant was pretty crowded and the babies (Squish, Little and cousin Noah) were very hungry and we were all trying to help them enjoy the dinner.  At home I seriously fell into a food coma! Yes I completely knocked out and I could not wake up!   


When I finally did emerge from my food coma, Little and I went to Tia Lindas for a homemade breakfast.  Tia had cousin Rene sleepover for movies and smores on Saturday, so she made a big breakfast for everyone Sunday.  We then went to Target (as you can see from the red cart above) to pick out some cute clothes for Squish's days at her babysitter's house.  We finished off the weekend hanging out with Gramma and eating Papaws shish kabobs.  I had an amazing weekend, a great birthday and the best family ever!

<3 Mama Chuca

Friday, August 24, 2012

25 Months

Favorite Foods: Macaroni and cheese, cheese, yogurt, juice, oranges, water, rice and of course pasta.

Watching: Toy Story 2, Pocoyo and Diego.

Reading: Lately, Little has been wanting to read the same books over and over again (see monthly posts 21-24).  So Dada and I decided that we would change up the books that we read at night before bedtime, of course if Little fusses were not gonna put up a fight.  So we're reading the following books:
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, 8 Silly Monkeys Jumping on the Bed,  Potty, Just Me and My Puppy and The Very Hungry Catapillar.  There are a few more but these are the books that he seems to enjoy the most, especially the hungry caterpillar. 

A few of his favorites:  Little's new favorite friend is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (Leonardo) that Tia Linda gave him for his birthday.  He has also been loving bubbles, running around outside, daycare (yes praise the good Lord), playing with a little golf set his Dada bought him, and brushing his teeth.  Brushing his teeth is one of Littles favorite parts of his day, lately he has been wanting to brush on his own so I usually let him have a go then I brush them after.  He has also been loving going "under" things lately, especially while driving!  As soon as we get in the car he starts asking for under, then when we go under a freeway, a tree or a stoplight he is all grins and gets very excited. At dinner time as soon as I put his plate of food together and get him in his high chair, I put his plate in the freezer to cool off and we count to ten.  I count out loud and show him my fingers as I am counting, he follows and tries to mimic my fingers all the way to 10. By the time we reach ten his food is warm enough for him to devour, he has been eating like crazy lately. 

A few of our favorites:  Little has been following directions very very well, of course he is a toddler and sometimes he just isn't having it when we are trying to calmly show him something.  But Ive found that if you ask him questions or give him options he behaves better and will follow directions more willingly.   This is deemed as a favorite because although we aren't having full conversations (not that he should be right now) we do know that he has a comprehension of what we are asking.  A favorite "game" of mine is to ask Little if I can give him a kiss, then he'll point to where i can kiss him- mostly his shoulder, head or knee.  He also has been finding random cuts or older gashes and says "bobo" for me or Dada to kiss.  As I said before conversations have yet to ensue but he is learning more and more words everyday and is starting to repeat words, lately we (Dada, Little and I) have been working on numbers and letters.

Dada and I are constantly telling Little that he is a big boy, mostly to congratulate him when he accomplishes something.  Now when we ask him where the baby is, instead of pointing to himself (like he did before) he points to a picture on the wall of him as a baby.  This makes me laugh and it makes me sad. Yesterday Dada sent me an old picture of Little at around 5 mths, barely sitting up smiling like crazy and bald! He asked if I missed that baby and I replied, "Yes because I could squish him and he wouldn't beat me up afterward".  
Oh right, I forgot to mention that Little recently realized that Mama can wrestle too, and he doesn't take it easy on me either. 

<3 Mama Chuca 

*Sorry for the double post of photos from our session, but I really loved these pictures and they are the most recent... perfect timing if you ask me!