Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I'm Still Here!

Little, Peanut and Dada in our new home. Yes Little's pants are unbuttoned, he's been taking off his pants lately.

Yes I promise I am still here, I have not abandoned this little blog!!  We've got a lot going on right now and I want to settle before I start blogging regularly again.
Although I do have a few updates for you:
We have moved into our new home and love it.  We are still moving things around and unpacking but Ill have a few photos when we are finished!
Tia Linda and Squishy moved into a much much smaller place and couldnt bring Peanut with them, so we got to bring him home with us!! We now have more than enough room and were overjoyed when Tia Linda asked us to take care of Peanut!!  I am happy to report that Little has gotten over his small fear of dogs and love's to play with Peanut.  We are all very happy to have Peanut join our little family, especially Dada- he's always wanted a dog!
I still have pictures to share here; New Hampshire, our Halloween, a pumpkin patch visit and many more.  I promise I will return regularly to share our stories and photos soon.  Thanks for being so patient and I look forward to sharing in this little space on a daily basis again!

<3 Mama Chuca

p.s. Anybody else extremely super-duper excited about the holidays??!!