Thursday, September 13, 2012


Reading: Im actually not reading anything myself right now, I finished the Frida Kahlo book and started 123 Magic.  Sadly I put 123 Magic down and have yet to pick it up again, I think I still had a book hangover from Frida.  Does that happen to anybody else?? I have to completely process a book before I pick up another or else I can't concentrate on what Im reading.  This may have been passed on to Little, because as soon as we say bedtime he pulls out the same 5 books to read! Maybe he needs to have them each read 100 times to fully process the book.  Newest to the bedtime book line up is Winnie the Pooh (Classic) Grand Adventures.

Watching:  Still watching my fav- Project Runway, although I usually record it and end up watching it on Saturdays during Little's nap.  Its a pretty good season, many great designers and tidbits of drama! Im pretty much rooting for either Dmitry Sholokhov or Sonjia Williams, I feel like they could produce some amazing things if they were to show at fashion week!  Ive also been recording Four Weddings to help me with wedding ideas and to see what exactly goes into a wedding...turns out its A LOT!  We made the mistake of bringing Toy Story 3 home from Grammas and now everyday Little asks to see this!! Aye yi yi!

Anticipating:  So excited for our trip to visit Dada's Family that will be happening very very soon!  Ive been looking up tips and tricks to keep a toddler happy during a first time flight, if you have any please send them my way.  Ive been making lists upon lists of things I don't want to forget, I just need to remind myself to jot it down and not keep it in my head.  Dada and I are sooooo excited!

Laughing:  The other day Dada, Little and I went to the Disney Store to have a look around and they had Halloween costumes out already!  This year for Halloween I was going to try and let Little choose his own costume thinking that maybe since he was little older he might be able to grasp the concept that you can dress up as something you really like.  This is a little harder to explain to a 2 year old, as i learned! I picked up the cutest Buzz Lightyear costume and headed straight for Little to try and explain, this is how that conversation went:

Mama- Look! You can be like Buzz!! Cool right?
Little- *looks at costume then goes back to what he is doing.
Mama- If you put his on then you will be dressed just like Buzz!! Do you wanna try? See here is the helmet!!
Little- *lets me put on the helmet for exactly 5 seconds then gets frustrated and pulls at it like its on fire!
Mama- Are you sure you don't want to try this on? You can be like buzz!!! *shows Little the similarities in the suit and in the picture.
Little- No mama

There you have it, I tried 3 times and nothing! I left him alone after that and Ill probably try one more time closer to the Halloween.  If he still isn't getting into the idea of costumes, Ill most likely end up making something at home for him to wear.  I already have lots of Mama & Son costumes popping up in my head!!

Working: Mostly working on wedding things as of now; budget, list of guests, ideas for centerpieces and invitations.  We want to do a lot of handmade things to make this wedding more US.

Wishing:  Yesterday was a very restless night for us, Little had a terrible stomach virus and couldn't keep anything down.  Although we were very tired,  we were mostly concerned about what to do to help Little.  It is the most unsettling feeling to know that for something like this you simply have to let it pass, we did everything we could to make him comfortable.  This morning he seemed much much better, we let him eat a cup of cereal and drink a little water to see if he could keep it down and he did!! He was in a very good mood and that made us very happy.  How does this fall into wishing? Im sure every Mama you will ever meet will tell you that when her child is in pain the first thing that comes to mind is wishing they could feel that pain for their baby.

Loving: A sleeping Little, yes Ive mentioned this before but its really the only chance I can kiss him or get a good look at him up close without him jumping on me.  He is a very active kid and I can watch him sleep all day. We have been hit with some cool-ER weather this week, not bundle up or even "sweater cool" but anything thats not over 95 degrees is amazing for us!! Finally, I am FULLY LOVING this song and video!! It sums up exactly how I feel about Dada; Home is wherever Im with you.

<3 Mama Chuca

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