Friday, August 24, 2012

25 Months

Favorite Foods: Macaroni and cheese, cheese, yogurt, juice, oranges, water, rice and of course pasta.

Watching: Toy Story 2, Pocoyo and Diego.

Reading: Lately, Little has been wanting to read the same books over and over again (see monthly posts 21-24).  So Dada and I decided that we would change up the books that we read at night before bedtime, of course if Little fusses were not gonna put up a fight.  So we're reading the following books:
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, 8 Silly Monkeys Jumping on the Bed,  Potty, Just Me and My Puppy and The Very Hungry Catapillar.  There are a few more but these are the books that he seems to enjoy the most, especially the hungry caterpillar. 

A few of his favorites:  Little's new favorite friend is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (Leonardo) that Tia Linda gave him for his birthday.  He has also been loving bubbles, running around outside, daycare (yes praise the good Lord), playing with a little golf set his Dada bought him, and brushing his teeth.  Brushing his teeth is one of Littles favorite parts of his day, lately he has been wanting to brush on his own so I usually let him have a go then I brush them after.  He has also been loving going "under" things lately, especially while driving!  As soon as we get in the car he starts asking for under, then when we go under a freeway, a tree or a stoplight he is all grins and gets very excited. At dinner time as soon as I put his plate of food together and get him in his high chair, I put his plate in the freezer to cool off and we count to ten.  I count out loud and show him my fingers as I am counting, he follows and tries to mimic my fingers all the way to 10. By the time we reach ten his food is warm enough for him to devour, he has been eating like crazy lately. 

A few of our favorites:  Little has been following directions very very well, of course he is a toddler and sometimes he just isn't having it when we are trying to calmly show him something.  But Ive found that if you ask him questions or give him options he behaves better and will follow directions more willingly.   This is deemed as a favorite because although we aren't having full conversations (not that he should be right now) we do know that he has a comprehension of what we are asking.  A favorite "game" of mine is to ask Little if I can give him a kiss, then he'll point to where i can kiss him- mostly his shoulder, head or knee.  He also has been finding random cuts or older gashes and says "bobo" for me or Dada to kiss.  As I said before conversations have yet to ensue but he is learning more and more words everyday and is starting to repeat words, lately we (Dada, Little and I) have been working on numbers and letters.

Dada and I are constantly telling Little that he is a big boy, mostly to congratulate him when he accomplishes something.  Now when we ask him where the baby is, instead of pointing to himself (like he did before) he points to a picture on the wall of him as a baby.  This makes me laugh and it makes me sad. Yesterday Dada sent me an old picture of Little at around 5 mths, barely sitting up smiling like crazy and bald! He asked if I missed that baby and I replied, "Yes because I could squish him and he wouldn't beat me up afterward".  
Oh right, I forgot to mention that Little recently realized that Mama can wrestle too, and he doesn't take it easy on me either. 

<3 Mama Chuca 

*Sorry for the double post of photos from our session, but I really loved these pictures and they are the most recent... perfect timing if you ask me!

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