Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Year 2 Photos

So Dada and I have decided that we are going to have my lil sis, Tia Lorri, take Little's 2 year photos!  She has a  great eye for capturing special moments and can usually get some great shots of the ever moving Little.  Another plus about this is that Little will act totally natural because he knows Tia Lorri and won't get weirded out when she starts shooting away, as he would if it were a stranger.  So as you can see Im on the hunt for a great outfit for my Little!! Were doing it early for great light and hopefully its not mind numbingly hot!!
When I first found out i was pregnant with a baby boy, i thought to myself "I have no idea how to dress a boy".  But I find that its the most fun EVER!! I love shopping for Little way more than I do for myself.  Can you see Little in any of the outfits above??
Bad news Dada, I can see him in ALL of them!!! 

<3 Mama Chuca

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